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Thermodynamic Analysis of Ag_3Ge Phase Formation

O.P.Pandey(School of Basic and Applied Sciences , Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology Patiala-147 001 , India )S.N.Ojha and S.Lele(Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering , Banaras Hindu University , Varanasi-221 005 , India)


In the present work a thermodynamic model is presented for the nucleation of metastable Ag3Ge phase from the undercooled melt in Ag-Ge alloy system. It is shown that under kinetically induced favourable condition, nucleation of a single phase compound with an approximate stoichiometry Ag3Ge has greater affinity for nucleation over Ag and Ge based phases requiring diffusion in the liquid.


Shear response of the Sigma 9 < 110 > {221} symmetric tilt grain boundary in fcc metals studied by atomistic simulation methods

Physical Review B

The shear response of the Sigma 9 < 110 > {221} symmetric tilt grain boundary (GB) in three fcc metals Cu, Al, and Ni has been studied by atomistic simulation methods with the embedded atom method for interatomic potentials and with a bicrystal model. By applying an energy minimization procedure, it was found that there are two optimized structures of this particular GB at zero temperature for all the three metals studied. Shear of bicrystals at room temperature has been studied by the molecular-dynamics simulation method. Various kinds of structure evolution behavior have been found for this GB depending on the shear direction: (1) pure GB sliding; (2) GB atomic shuffling accompanied by lattice dislocation emission from the GB; and (3) GB migration coupled with GB sliding, namely, GB coupling motion. The GB coupling motions can differ in the direction and distance of the GB migration depending on the shear direction. An analysis with the aid of the coincidence site lattice theory indicates that the structure evolution behavior can be attributed to several elementary structure transformations inherent to this particular GB. A pair parameter (lambda, kappa) is proposed to describe the GB coupling motions.

关键词: sliding resistance;molecular-dynamics;cubic-crystals;misorientation;dependence;dislocations;copper;nanocrystalline;deformation;aluminum;stress

The effect of crystallographic orientation on the oxidation behavior of a single-crystal nickel-base superalloy

Oxidation of Metals

The oxidation kinetics of DD100 nickel- base single- crystal alloy, with ( 221) and ( 100) surface orientations were tested in this study by thermogravimetry. A pronounced anisotropy in both the cyclic and isothermal oxidation resistance of DD100 alloy was observed. The ( 221) crystallographic surface of DD100 had a slower oxidation rate than the ( 100) surface when isothermally exposed to stationary air at 950degreesC, whereas the opposite results were obtained at 1050degreesC. When cyclically oxidized at 1100degreesC, the weight loss of samples with ( 221) surfaces was significantly greater than that of ( 100) surfaces, so that the cyclic- oxidation anisotropy was more remarkable at 1100degreesC than at 950degreesC. The different spatial alignment of the gamma' / gamma interface is thought to be responsible for the anisotropic oxidation behavior of the nickel- base single crystal alloy.

关键词: single-crystal nickel-base superalloy;high-temperature oxidation;oxidation kinetics;oxidation anisotropy;epitaxially induced strains;internal nitridation;oxide films;cu2o;films;growth;copper;creep;faces;sulfur


周蕾 , 史庆南 , 蔡晓兰 , 王军丽


孪晶能够在保持铜材电导率基本不变的情况下提高铜材强度,异步叠轧制备出超细晶铜材,再结晶过程中形成大量超细孪晶,通过背散射电子衍射研究织构演变,异步叠轧变形后原料铜板中的退火孪晶织构组分{ 114} 〈221〉消失,形成大量剪切织构{001}< 〈110〉和铜型织构{112}< 〈111〉>组分,再结晶退火过程中,逐渐形成新的织构组分:{113}< 〈141〉>、{125}< 〈112〉>、{221} 〈114〉,通过矩阵计算得出,其中{221}< 〈114〉>组分实质上是异步叠轧形成的剪切织构再结晶退火时沿{111}面的镜面反映,而形成的孪晶取向.

关键词: 异步叠轧 , , 超细孪晶 , 织构


冯昭伟 , 米绪军 , 王江波 , 袁志山 , 缪卫东 , 周瑾



关键词: Ni47Ti44Nb9形状记忆合金 , 织构 , 轧制方向 , 热轧板 , 冷轧板


陈馥 , 李茜璐 , 艾加伟 , 陈红均 , 魏云锦

应用化学 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1095.2011.00607

为降低酸化过程中酸液对油管和套管的腐蚀,增加酸液对地层的穿透距离,通过阳-非离子表面活性剂复配,成功制备了单相微乳土酸体系.并得出了较优的实验室配方(质量分数):A-126 2.5%,CHJ-102.5%,正丁醇1.2%,正辛醇2.3%,W-221 0.5%,土酸67.0%,柴油24.0%.通过添加适量的阴离子表面活性剂W-221,使体系在81℃保持了良好的热稳定性.在室温和70℃下分别与P110S钢片反应,与同浓度的土酸相比,缓蚀率达到90.57%.在70℃下与人造砂岩岩芯反应,溶蚀率降低到了0.5%.

关键词: 微乳酸 , 表面活性剂 , 缓蚀 , 耐温


陈家俊 , 陶伯万 , 邓新武 , 刘兴钊 , 李德红 , 张鹰 , 何世明 , 李言荣 , 羊恺 , 张其劭

低温物理学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3258.2003.z1.004


关键词: 高温超导薄膜 , YBCO , 均匀性


齐郁 , 李小杰 , 崔隽 , 沈克 , 葛宜运

冶金分析 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-7571.2002.06.008


关键词: X射线荧光法 , , 稀土

Behaviour of Rare Earths in Low Sulphur Steel

Qin LIN+ , Aisheng LIU , Wen YE , Zongsen YU , Dept. of Physical Chemistry , University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing , 100083 , China


In steels 16Mn and X60 with low S content (0. 003~0. 005%), rare earth metals (REM) still show ef- fects on purifying the molten steel and controlling the sulphide morphology. The optimum ratio of RE/S is about 2. 0, which causes lower content of oxygen and inclusions and higher impact toughness. The amount of REM in solid solution in the steel was determined by means of inductive coupling plasma (ICP) spectroscopy. The dissolved REM in low S steel could decrease the propor- tion of pearlite and increase the strength of the steel.

关键词: rare earths , null , null


杨继廉 , 张百生 , 金兰 , 丁永凡 , 叶春堂 , 杨应昌 , 孙弘 , 孔麟书



关键词: #Y_2(Fe_(0.96)Al_(0.06))_(14)B , Y_2(Fe_(0.95)Al_(0.05))_(14)B

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